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Introducing Ella

Hello friends

It’s time for another exciting announcement! My dear friend Ella will be joining us on this crazy trans-Canada journey!! I am beyond excited to have such a legendary human beside me to share in the highs and lows that await us.

Ella has been working in the outdoors for several years, and is a talented guide and skilled outdoor instructor, working with school groups and adults alike. Sometime in June she messaged me with a voice message along the lines of: “I’m thinking of working with horses in Canada next year, can I spend some time with yours to prepare?” My response was: “Um, that sounds dull, how about the idea of riding ACROSS THE WHOLE OF CANADA with me?!” And from there the crazy idea took root and this adventure expanded yet again! Although Ella is new to horses, we have spent many fun days with my two boys here in Tassie, and have done several overnight trips. And what better way to hone one’s horsemanship than 6500km across a continent - am I right?!

Ella has bought her own horse in Canada, who is now also in Nova Scotia with my two, and I’m pleased to report that all three of them get along very well.

I absolutely can’t wait to get over there and meet them - only 8 weeks to go now!

Ella and Mr Richard charging into equestrian life

Ella and Mr Richard in the Derwent Valley, Tasmania