Barefoot Long Riding

Hoofcare on the road

I have always had barefoot horses. Riding 4,500km across Australia cemented my passion for hoofcare. Our 2024 ride across Canada will be barefoot and booted. Read on for some more insight into my approach to hoofcare on the road.

It all begins with a healthy horse. And keeping a horse healthy on the road requires a flexible approach to whole-horse wellbeing. The reason I am an advocate for barefoot horsecare is that I believe we now have the technology to support the millions of years of evolution that has gone into developing horses’ feet. Good regular trimming, diet, exercise and hoof boots together combine to help the hoof to function optimally. Ultimately all that matters is that your horse is happy and sound; if he’s in traditional shoes and thriving, that’s great. But the reason I love a barefoot approach is the flexibility it gives when long riding. One can ride barefoot as much as the horse enjoys, and you then have the security of boots to fall back on when the terrain or the distance becomes too much for the hoof.

Hear me out!

The horse will have been barefoot for some time and will be developing solid hoof structures. This sets you up for a sound horse. He will be able to be ridden for long sections, perhaps many days at a time, completely barefoot. When terrain is too rough or rocky for him to be comfortable, simply pop on a set of boots and continue riding. Lose a boot? Your horse should still be able to be ridden barefoot for several days before he starts wearing out his hoof wall faster than he can grow it. This gives you time to find replacements. Boots are easily mailed and can be picked up from remote postal outlets all around the world. The constant hands-on approach means you get to know your horses and their feet intimately; you know their conformational quirks, their sensitivities and their strengths. You can tailor your approach to each horse.

The barefoot hoofcare kit is relatively lightweight and easily transported in the packing gear. Looking after your horses’ feet becomes as integral a part of routine on the road as looking for feed and finding adequate nutrition.

Of course, the distances covered on the road would make complete barefoot travel impossible. That is where hoof boots come in. I rode across Australia using Renegade Vipers, and I am so proud to be partnering with them for our 6000km+ ride across Canada. Knowing that these boots can go the distance, knowing that they can support my horses to do their best, and knowing this is a product I can rely on is a great confidence booster. These are the best suited boots for long riding that I have used (and I have tried many!). If you are interested in learning more about Renegade, check out their website.