
Throughout my 2019 journey across Australia, I was blown away by the generosity of people I met along the road. It was always such a privilege and honour to accept peoples’ gifts of food, horse feed, accomodation, transport and support. I never felt uncomfortable accepting gifts in person. However, the thought of accepting gifts of money from distant people did not sit well with me, until I considered the situation from a different perspective: a gift given from afar has the same intent of support as a gift given in person, and perhaps many people would like to support this trans-Canada horseback journey but will never meet us face to face. So this page is just an opportunity to gift the Roadhorse team if you are inclined to do so. Please be aware that I am not raising funds for any charity - this is just my own mission and all gifts go towards feeding myself and my horses on the road. I am fully self-funded and do not rely on donations, but will gratefully accept any gifts offered.

Gift Roadhorse through PayPal