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Part Three: Southern Quebec, Chapters 1 & 2: Ste Louise to St Bernard, 662km to 816km, days 54 to 60.

Quebec, you keep giving! The beautiful scenery, amazingly kind and welcoming people, and the hot hot humid days πŸ₯΅πŸ’ž After our rest day of extreme heat at Ste Louise, we farewelled Simon and headed off again into another hot day, departing at 4.30am to catch some coolness. We were scooped up off the road by Steeve, who helped us find somewhere to rest during the middle of the day, and then called into being a wonderful network of kind souls who hosted us and helped us find further places to stay for the next week. Biggest thanks to Elizabeth, Veronique and Pascale for helping us out around L'Islet, and another big thanks to Evelyne at St Raphael who hosted us for two nights to shelter us from a deluge on Sunday.

From St Raphael we had a pleasant day to St Anselme, riding through the town and crossing the swollen river in the beautiful evening light. Thank you to Emmanuelle and family for hosting us at their beautiful Jersey dairy farm. From there we had another disgustingly early start today to avoid some of the heat, following a shiny new rail trail down to Scott #railtraillife. Said trail petered out just outside of town, leaving us to fend for ourselves across the bridge of the 171. Luckily Jack is the most traffic-chill horse I have seen, and was unperturbed by the trucks rattling by less than a meter away. Wilson was not so impressed but we got across, and made it safely to Cynthia and family's Swiss brown cow dairy in St Bernard. Thank you so much to everyone who has shown us such hospitality and kindness β˜ΊοΈπŸ’•

From here we'll be avoiding main roads and skirting our way around Sherbrook towards Bonsecours for a few days off. Onwards through Quebec! The miles are stacking up on our Renegade hoof boots now!