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Parting Ways

Day 199, 3,620km

You never know where you are going to meet heroes. I was lucky to have met this one.

Alex, you have done so much for us, putting up with my eccentricities, plying me with chocolate and ensuring every dinner was a gourmet treat. But it isn't really what you've done for me, it's what you've done for my boys. Without you and your incredible gift of time, patience, and vehicle support, they would not have thrived as they have done over the past two and a half months. That is a huge gift that I really have no words for.

Today, the boys and I set out on our own, loaded up with all our gear, facing the many and varied unknowns of the road alone. Alex has been our hero and champion, getting us safely across the Nullarbor, escorting us for over 1,500km, but now that we are back in green lands, she is setting off for home.

So as we part ways, I can only say thank you for everything. You are our hero 🙏💗