We made it to the Coastline

4,485km, Day 235

Well, I guess that's it then.

4,485km, 235 days, three sets of horse boots and two pairs of human boots later, we arrived on the West Coast.

Looking out over the Indian Ocean, it seems a lifetime ago that Mr Richard and I set out from the mouth of the Snowy River, but strangely it only feels like yesterday.

Huge thanks to everyone who has given us a bed, a meal, a lift, a message of support or even a wave on the road (except all you guys who tooted your horn. You don't get thanks, you get a grumpy face 😬). This trip would have been a hell of a lot less fun without y'all 💜

We're heading home to Tassie on Monday, the boys in the luxury of a professional horse truck, and myself in Brian. I'm looking forward to being back south again, where there's still snow on the hills and 40 degrees is only the stuff of nightmares. But even so, I wouldn't trade a thing 🦋

For my boys, this will probably be the biggest trip they will ever do. But for me..... well, I'm only getting started. So watch this space!


Canada just got real


The Weekly Wrap-Up 25