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The Weekly Wrap-Up 18

2,605-2,910km, Days 138-148 Yalata to Eucla

Oh wow. What an amazing week! Whoever said the Nullarbor was boring was either a lier or never rode across it on horseback.

And guess what?! WE MADE IT TO WA! Pow pow. I had a celebratory beer or two, and tried to share it with the boys, but they weren't all that keen.

Leaving Yalata after the brief storm of the night before was beautiful, the arid woodlands gorgeous in the morning light, and smelling SO GOOD! We picked our way through the scrub parallel to the highway - not only is it safer (no roadtrains!) but also a lot more interesting and varied. That night Di, a friend from Tassie, and her partner Jas found us at our camp on their way back to Vic from WA which was a small miracle as I'm sure I gave them the worst directions in the world! Great chats and campfires - total highlight of a week of many highlights!

Then it was another day through the dry forest, a day off on a shady hill as temperatures got up to the mid thirties, and then another day in to Nullarbor Roadhouse, leaving the trees and heading out into the "treeless plain." Nullarbor Roadhouse seems to always have a carnival atmosphere, with a whole convoy of army trucks staying the night. After stocking up on water and having a wee feast on a patch of lush green grass (!), it was back on the road.... or rather, out in the scrub away from the road. It was a pretty epic three days, riding between belts of low woodland and open grassy scrublands, making good time and trotting along where possible. I kind of felt like some epic explorer, or perhaps an outlaw being hunted down by summer, as we sped across the rolling landscape with the wind in our faces.

And then on Saturday we got to the cliffs of the Great Australian Bight. I really don't have words to describe how epic those two and a half days were. See previous post for a dedicated photo series!

On Monday, we crossed the border into WA, passing through Quarantine with no dramas and getting quite confused by the weird time zone here. And then the boys had yesterday and today off, relaxing at Eucla with the most SPECTACULAR sea-views, whilst I ran Brian up to Cocklebiddy. Big thanks to the super friendly folks at Eucla for hosting us. And big thanks to the lovely caravaners who picked me up from Cocklebiddy - no 4.5hr wait this time!

Alex and I have decided the Nullarbor is inappropriately named, and have re-named it Nullaqua, as there are actually a lot of trees but not much water. Fortunately we don't need to worry about that as Alex has 800 litres of water on board! It has been so EASY, just riding along, and then getting in to camp, after tracking down and giving the boys their cached lunch during the day. The horses are loving life, getting all the feed they need and lots of water, plus being able to run around naked every second day! Alex, you are amazing 💗

From here, we have a week's run to Cocklebiddy. It might be a slow week as it looks like the weather will be heating up, which means a lot of early starts. I've decided to keep my clock set on SA time, just because I don't think I could psychologically handle getting up at 4AM every morning!

The arid woodland of Yalata

Riding through Yalata

Looking out across the Treeless Plain at sunset

Crossing the border