The Weekly Wrap-Up 7

Days 55 - 64, 890-1,075km Near Kerang to Boundary Bend

Ok folks, I saw some emus today. Just let me say that I am NOT ready to be seeing emus. We haven't even reached Mildura - that's when it gets dry and desertish and the kind of country emus live in. I'M NOT READY TO BE IN EMU COUNTRY!!

Now that's off my chest, let's see, what's happened this week? Ah yes; the boys have been going feral. And by "the boys", I really mean Richard. Perhaps it's all the lucerne we keep buying and finding growing by the rosdside, or just all the lush pockets of green grass, or perhaps we've just reached the "storming" part of our group development... Do horses go through group development stages? Who knows. What I do know is that I'm greatful Mick-Mac is an old man at heart and can provide a bit of a moderating influence.

From near Kerang, we stuck to back roads for a few days, a real highlight was slipping and sliding through the clay one rainy day and then suddenly climbing into a tree and creeper-covered oasis, where farmers Robert and Jenny invited me in for lunch and then unlocked the Lake Charm Yatch Club so the boys could have some green grass and I could entertain myself with fancy things like kettles and showers 😁

Then came two super long days, distance-wise, made short timewise because did I mention Richard has been a psycho? If I want to mosey along and enjoy the scenery, I ride Smicko; if I want to cover ground, I ride Richard, the total maniac.

I would just like to take this opportunity to give the general public a little piece of advice: if you see some horses on the side of the road, it's really good of you to worry that they may have escaped and be posing a danger to the public, but PLEASE stop and check to see if they are secured and if there's someone camping RIGHT NEXT to them BEFORE you call the cops. Thanks. Especially when those cops are called out twice in a 12hr period.

We had a rest day on Sunday at the Wood Wood caravan park, where we celebrated the 1000km milestone, the owners very kindly accomodating my boys whilst I went resupplying in Swan Hill, and then the last few days have been pushing slowly but surely into mallee country.... or as I'm calling it, Emu Country. Crikey.

We've been following the highway as there isn't really any other option, which is at times quite nerve-wracking, especially when you're in a truck sandwich. Luckily the boys are pretty good with traffic, although every so often something will startle them, whether it's a motorbike they thought was going to be a car or truck they thought was going to be.... well, a smaller truck.

Today we're having a little half rest day whilst waiting for new boots for Micko's backs to arrive, the boys happily stuffing their faces in a little oasis of green grass by the Murray. I'm thinking that green is going to be rarer and rarer, so you'd better enjoy it, boyos!

From here we'll be heading up to Robinvale to resupply, then back tracking a bit and making towards Hattah and then on towards Mildura.

My clothes-horse defrosting my tent

My clothes-horse defrosting my tent

Morning sad faces

Morning sad faces

The turning leaves of Vinifera

The turning leaves of Vinifera


The Weekly Wrap-Up 8


The Weekly Wrap-Up 6