The Weekly Wrap-Up 15

Days 119-124, 2,065 - 2,258km Kimba to Poochera

Can I be honest with you all? I'm actually finding this all a bit overwhelming... the kindness, generosity and interest SA has shown us, that is. Every little town, every passing farmer who stopped to chat with an assorted collection of fencing material and kelpies in the back of the ute, every message sent by locals with offers of support, every friendly publican, every dinner invite... this week has been beautiful.

Kimba to Wudinna was 120km of idyllic backroads away from the highway, riding through gloriously green wheat fields intersected with bands of scrub. Our number one champion Cindy was still up helping us out for this section, which meant every night was wonderfully provisioned with feed and water for the boys and an amazing array of delectable treats for me - I'm still hunting down the source of what was quite possibly the best brownie I've ever had, and as soon as Cindy gives up the secret, I'll be sure to let y'all know.

On Thursday arvo myself and the boys arrived in Wudinna, having said farewell to Cindy the day before. The pony club had very kindly offered to host us, so I settled in the boys and started sorting out some gear in my van. Susie at the Gawler Ranges Motel had offered me a night in her wonderful establishment, but out of loyalty to Brian (my van) I had to decline - and so the offer was changed to a shower! What a total legend! And then Alex arrived, having just driven vast distances all the way down from Canberra. The boys thought all their birthdays had come at once when she opened the horse trailer to expose the 20 bales of clover hay that will get us across the Nullarbor. Did I mention what a total legend Alex is?!

We had a little rest day on Friday- at least the boys did, after getting the celebrity treatment at Wudinna Area School- Mickles is such a love monster, he adored the hundreds of pats! Grumpy old Richard was less impressed when he realised not all kids come with carrots. For Alex and I, however, there was no rest. We drove Brian up to Ceduna and then came back and sorted out heaps of logistics. I tend to focus on week to week and town to town, and then suddenly I am in a town and need to get stuff sorted for the next leg ASAP which leads to a bit of an organisational frenzy. Luckily Alex is much more organised than me. Huge thanks to Pam in Denial Bay who offered to host Brian at the last moment. When we got back, amazing Lisa had done my washing, and then the pony club's neighbour Anne invited us over to dinner, where we caught up on all the town's gossip and I discovered Brian had been creating quite a stir and was only a few days off being impounded by the police - I forget how everyone knows everyone in small towns and an unknown car would not go unremarked as it would in a city 🤣

From Wudinna, it was two long days along the quiet dirt road following the highway. Dirt roads are always so pleasant and social, with lots of opportunities to chat with passing farmers - so much better than the anti-social highway! And how lovely to have Alex waiting each night with yards for the boys and more gourmet delights for me - homemade jerky and fruit leathers, yummo! And best of all? The boyos only have to carry lunch and me, which means one of them gets to run around NAKED!

Poochera has really thrown out the welcome mat, making the wet cold day getting here worth it. Our Poochera hero Jane had made arrangements for us to stay at the caravan park/hotel/pub, and we were welcomed by the kind publicans Jeff and Karen (who also make great steaks, FYI). Couldn't ask for more from such a tiny town - thanks for everything 😁

From here we're off to Ceduna... and then the fun begins! Ha ha, not true, the fun begun months ago 🤣


The Weekly Wrap-Up 16


Introducing Alex